Renaissance moresches and masquerades
2016: Ensemble Daedalus celebrates its 30th anniversary!
We wanted to make a new CD to mark the event. We recorded it with L' Autre Monde, Jean-Paul Combet's new label. With the support of the Bach Festival of Arques la Bataille, the program « A la Moresca » saw the light of day, a sparkling, joyous and amusing program. For the occasion, our old friend Marco Beasley, who neds no introduction from me, joined us. The CD will come out in the spring of 2016.
We asked ourselves:
What did the world of Islam contribute to renaissance polyphony, and culture? What images, what icons, what sonorities?
La Moresca combines music, theatre and dance and brings to the concert stage a taste for the exotic and a fascination for a dreamy and magical faraway. No more hats, but turbans; no more swords, but scimitars. The sun of Naples merges with the crescent moon of the Orient, the oud with the colascione.
La Moresca likes festivities and the Carnaval, tricks and jesting.
This is how Daedalus would like to sing in it's first thirty years,
and share our joy with you.
( buy this CD on: https://www.amazon.fr/A-LA-MORESCA/dp/B01KQT98PW )