Requiem aeternam
Agnus Dei
The golden age of polyphony
PRIORIS: Your name seems to give rise to a stream of questions to which it seems that we could never provide answers.
PRIORIS: Of what you have left us the most concrete are the notes and then some places and some dates, which it is impossible to weave together to form a framework, and a constellation of references, totally insufficient for telling a "story".
Musician of the Pope or courtier of Louis Xll? ltalian, French or Flemish? Your art, where did you learn it? In the nave of a Gothic cathedral, or among the splendours of the Roman Renaissance?
PRIORIS: your name appears in some forty different sources, such as notarial acts and ledgers, wills and poems, motets, historical chronicles and letters....
PRIORIS has left us 4 Missae, a Requiem (the second in the history of music), 14 motets, 8 Magnificats and about a score of chansons and canzoni. He emerges as a personality perfectly at ease in the most diverse styles of musical writing, a strong feeling for the text, for its nuances and, above all, a great mastery in communicating its emotions.