The queen, the swan and the malcontent
Monika MAUCH, soprano
Silvia TECARDI, viol
Brigitte GASSER, viol
Elisabeth RUMSEY, viol
Pierre PITZL, viol, guitar
Margherita DEGLI ESPOSTI, recorder
Roberto FESTA, recorder, conductor
Created by : Roberto Festa & Toni Casalonga
Lights and shadows: Toni Casalonga
Lighting engineer: Pascal Galeazzi
Parte I: “Of love-sickness”
A jigge for ladies, Tobias Hume
The first part of arias; London 1605
There is a Lady sweet and kind, Thomas Ford
Musique of sundrie kindes … composed by Thomas Ford; Iohn Winted, London 1607
What then is love, Thomas Ford
Musique of sundrie kindes … composed by Thomas Ford. Imprinted by Iohn Winted, London 1607
O lord, how vain, William Byrd
Songs of Sundrie Natures, 1589
Parte II: “Saturnian night”
The night watch, Anthony Holborne
Pavans, Galliards and Almains, 1599
The silver swan, Orlando Gibbons
The first set of madrigals and motets of 5 parts … by Orlando Gibbons; Snodham, London 1612
Loves farewell, Tobias Hume
The first part of arias; London 1605
Can doleful notes, John Danyel
Songs for lute, viol and voice composed by I. Danyel; Thomas Adams, London 1606
Lachrimae Verae, John Dowland
Lachrimae, or seaven teares figured in seaven passionate pauans... set for the Lute, Viols, or Violons by Iohn DOWLAND; London 1604
Parte III: “Life renewed”
Galliard, Christopher Simpson
The division viol, London 1667
Not full twelwe yaeres, Thomas Ford
Musique of sundrie kindes … composed by Thomas Ford; Iohn Winted, London 1607
Out from the deep, Robert Tailour
Sacred hymns consisting of fifti selected psalms of Davidand others … by Robert Tailour; Thomas Snodham, London 1615
Now I see thy lookes, Thomas Ford
Musique of sundrie kindes … composed by Thomas Ford; Iohn Winted, London 1607
A ground: “Chacone de Mr. Verdre”, Anon.
Chacones and Ground, 1689