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A la Moresca

     Moresche and masquerades

Musa Latina

     Ancient Rome revisited by the Renaissance Humanists


Claude Le Jeune

     Magic "mesurée à l'antique: new modes in 17th century music



   Sybils and Prophets: oracular songs of revelation


Delizie Napoletane

      Renaissance neapolitan love songs


Saturn and polyphony

     Genius and Melancholy


La Favola di Orlando

     he legend of Orlando set to the music of Jachet de Berchem


The two souls of Salomon

     Jewish  polyphony at the court of Gonzagas


The Art of the Lament

     Passions set to music


The Anatomy of Melancholy

    Melancholy and Stile Fantastico


Il Cantar moderno

     Naples, Venice: Canzoni, strambotti and ballate


O Vergin santa non m'abbandonare

   The religious poems of Leonardo Giustiniani


El Cancionero de la Catedral de Segovia

     The Segovia Cathedral songbook


Johannes Prioris

    The golden age of polyphony








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