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❧ A la Moresca
Moresche and masquerades
❧ Musa Latina
Ancient Rome revisited by the Renaissance Humanists
❧ Claude Le Jeune
Magic "mesurée à l'antique: new modes in 17th century music
❧ Oracula
Sybils and Prophets: oracular songs of revelation
❧ Delizie Napoletane
Renaissance neapolitan love songs
❧ Saturn and polyphony
Genius and Melancholy
he legend of Orlando set to the music of Jachet de Berchem
❧ The two souls of Salomon
Jewish polyphony at the court of Gonzagas
❧ The Art of the Lament
Passions set to music
❧ The Anatomy of Melancholy
Melancholy and Stile Fantastico
❧ Il Cantar moderno
Naples, Venice: Canzoni, strambotti and ballate
❧ O Vergin santa non m'abbandonare
The religious poems of Leonardo Giustiniani
❧ El Cancionero de la Catedral de Segovia
The Segovia Cathedral songbook
❧ Johannes Prioris
The golden age of polyphony

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